Pupil Mentoring

Our mentoring programmes support pupils in both individual and small group settings, with our qualified staff leading sessions that are tailored towards the needs of the relevant students. Sessions cover a variety of different exercises, including social and behaviour development, fine and gross motor skill and, where required, SEN support.

Our skilled staff will agree targets with your class teachers, SEN leads and pupils. Our personal profiles and mentoring booklets – used in both individual and small group environments – are used to record targets and progress on a weekly basis.

Personal profiles allow children, with guidance, to set their own targets, choose their own profile picture, write comments and earn rewards, for example house points or stamps. They are a great form of visual motivation and allow pupils to track and reflect on their sessions.

1:1 Mentoring

We work with children on a 1:1 basis, this could be to support them with their wellbeing, developing motor skills or to provide a trusted face that they can open up to, our mentoring programmes are tailored to the individual's situation and needs. These are regularly reviewed and discussed with school to ensure that we are providing the best environment for the individual.

Group Mentoring

In a group environment selected pupils are brought together to develop collectively. Although there will be a multitude of different reasons as to why a child is mentored – either individually or within a small group – sessions are always planned to ensure we support each child’s personal needs throughout.

PH Sports provide both Pupil & Staff Booklets that sit alongside the sessions. These allow us to set targets, record progress and evidence impact throughout the mentoring sessions.
The Journey
Our Aim

Mentoring booklets are completed weekly by staff and submitted at the end of each term to the appropriate person at the school. Prior to commencing work with a child, we will meet school around the support we are offering and what a successful outcome would look like for all stakeholders.

If you are interested in how we can help your pupils with one of our mentoring programmes, please get in touch – we’d love to hear from you!