PE Lead Brochure Page

Welcome! We hope you find some useful resources here and would love to chat about how we could support your school in providing outstanding PESSPA.

Pupil Voice Questionnaire

This questionnaire will allow you to collect feedback from your pupils to assess the impact of PE within your school. Results will provide you with an opportunity to focus your approach and can also be used as evidence within your curriculum folder, demonstrating the inclusion of pupil voice for Ofsted.

To download it, just click the image

PE Health Checks

We can support you with PE Health Checks, these take about an hour to complete and offer some helpful guidance on any gaps or areas that need attention.

    Looking for more support?

    We work with schools & MATs to provide support, training and resources to make your job as a PE Lead easier. Click the image to get in contact

    Could you help us?

    We would love to get your feedback on what support you would value. If you could complete our survey it would be a great help!